Messages by David Shields (Page 24)
The Story of Mary – Luke 1:26-56
The Story of Bathsheba – 2 Samuel Chapter 11
The story of David and Bathsheba is a well known story, but it is not always a well understood story. Bathsheba is often portrayed as a seductress, but does the text treat her this way? Take a look at what this dark story has to teach us about the brightness of the gospel.
The Story of Ruth – Ruth 1-4
The story of Ruth is not primarily a love story, but actually a story about loyalty. Pastor David shows us what the story of Ruth teaches us about Jesus.
The Story of Tamar – Genesis 38
Here is the first sermon in our Advent series looking at the life of Tamar in Genesis 38. This is a passage that most people tend to skip over because of how uncomfortable it can make us. Pastor David unpacks it to show us what this weird story tells us about Jesus.
Joshua’s Last Words – Joshua 23 & 24
Joshua has reached the end of his ministry and gives one last message to the people of Israel. He wants them to choose what god they will serve.
The Case of the Massive Altar – Joshua 22
How are believers supposed to act when we hear about other believers sin? What should a confrontation look like? What about when someone confronts us about our own sin? These are some the questions that Pastor David answers in Joshua 22.
Not a Word – Joshua 10:16-21
It can be often hard to know who to trust. Politicians and people break their promises all the time. But Pastor David shows how Joshua chapters 10-21 reveal a God who always keeps His promises. Every single promise that He made to Abraham and Joshua has finally come true.
Gibeonites Like Us – Joshua 9-10:15
Pastor David unpacks a tricky passage about a tricky group of people called the Gibeonites. He shows us how God is so merciful to the Gibeonites and us.
No Hiding Place – Joshua Chapters 7-8
Pastor David shows us in the story of Achan how there is no place that our sin can hide.
“Going Around in Circles” – Joshua 6
Have you ever felt like you were just going around in circles and not getting anywhere? Maybe even your obedience to God has felt like a waste of time. Pastor David unpacks Joshua 6 and the story of Jericho to show what we can learn from the Israelites going around in circles.