Sermons (Page 57)

Sermons (Page 57)

The Jewish Messiah is the Savior of the World

Tanglewood Bible Fellowship 12/21/2014 Matthew 2:1-12 Iraqis Visit the Christ Child!?! The Aftermath of the First Christmas and the Real “Real Meaning” of Christmas Take This To Heart The Jewish Messiah is the Savior of the World “…(the Gospel) is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first and also to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16 The Real “Real…

Christian Unity is a Fact

Upper Room Discourse Series 12/14/2014 John 17:20-26 Christian Unity is a Fact That Should Be Celebrated and Manifested Take This To Heart Christian Unity is a Fact That Should Celebrated and Manifested The General Rule Rather than vilifying other believers/with whom we disagree on secondary issues-we should validate them by focusing on the majors/the things on which we…

The Real “Lord’s Prayer”

Upper Room Discourse Series                       12/7/2014 John 17:1-19 The Real Lord’s Prayer: John 17   John 17:1–5 Jesus Prays for Himself Jesus Prays That God/Father Would Restore to Him His Heavenly Glory v1 Jesus Prays That Through Him, Human Beings Can/Will Enjoy Heavenly Glory v2-3 Jesus Prays That God/Father Would Restore to Him His Heavenly Glory…

Handling Hate

Upper Room Discourse Series                                                                  11/9/2014 John 15:18-16:6 Handling Hate: How We Should Think about and Respond to Hatred Directed at Us/Our Faith in Christ Take This To Heart Fellowship with Christ is Offensive to the World   1: To the extent that believers identify with Christ in the world we will face…

Abide in Christ

Tanglewood Bible Fellowship                                                   10/12/2014     John 15:1-6 The Key to TBS: Abide in Christ   Believers Are to Abide in Christ So We Can Bear Much Spiritual Fruit 15:1-5a   Believers Are to Abide in Christ So We Can Avoid Spiritual Mediocrity/Divine Discipline 15:5b-6 Take This To Heart   God is MORE…