Survey of New Testament Passages on the Rapture
The Real “Real Meaning” of Easter
Easter Sunday 4/5/2015 The Real “Real Meaning” of Easter After His Death (as a SAS) on Good Friday, Jesus Christ Was Resurrected (LBSR) from the Dead on the First Easter Sunday A Central Effect of the Real “Real Meaning” of Easter Christ’s Literal Bodily Supernatural Resurrection Validates the Saving Power of His Death on the Cross as a SAS for our Sins Which is Why…
Titus 2:13-14 on the Rapture Event
1-2 Thessalonians Practical Prophecy 4/1/2015 Titus 2:13-14 Survey of New Testament Passages on the Rapture Event The Potentially Purifying Power of Prophecy “…every believer who has this hope (the imminent return of Christ for His Church) fixed on Him, purifies him/herself, just as He is pure.” 1 John 3:3
God’s Purpose for “Signs/Wonders” Miracles
Study of the Book of Acts 3/29/2015 Acts 2:14-36 God’s Purpose for “Signs/Wonders” Miracles is to Validate the Beginning of Major New Phases of His Program Take This To Heart The Real Meaning of “The Day of Pentecost” in Acts 2 Was to Mark and Validate in a Unique and Undeniable Way the End of the…
Distinguishing Between the Rapture and the 2nd Advent
1-2 Thessalonians Practical Prophecy 3/25/2015 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Involves Distinguishing between the Rapture and the 2nd Advent
The Supernatural Start of NT Church
Study of the Book of Acts 3/22/2015 Acts 2:1-13 The Supernatural Start of NT Church The Significance of the 50 Days between the Resurrection of Christ and the Advent of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 Take This To Heart The Christian faith in rooted and built upon truth/facts-real people, real places and real events. Consistent with that principle: God…
What the Rapture is Ultimately All About
Practical Prophecy 3/18/2015 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 What the Rapture is Ultimately All About Interpretation The Rapture is all about the Literal,Bodily,Supernatural Resurrection of Church Age Believers Application The now is real and important, but it is not ultimate and is only temporary
The Uniqueness of the Apostles
Study of the Book of Acts 3/15/2015 Acts 1:12-14 The Uniqueness of the Apostles Take This To Heart The Uniqueness of the Apostles Is an Important Part of the Uniqueness of New Testament Christianity The New Testament Church Rooted in a Succession of Apostolic Truth/Propositions NOT on a Succession of Apostolic Teachers/Persons The New Testament Books Apostolic and…
Surprising Spirituality
Study of the Book of Acts 3/8/2015 Acts 1:12-26 Surprising Spirituality Prayerful Anticipation of the Advent of the Holy Spirit Followed by Flipping a Coin to Determine a New Apostle?!? Take This To Heart 1: True Spirituality often looks like “nothin’ special” to the human eye. 2: Flipping a coin can be a legitimate way for believers to make certain non-moral decisions…
The Ascension
Study of the Book of Acts 2/22/2015 Acts 1:9-11 The Ascension: Proof Positive That Christianity Is an Out of this World Reality Take This To Heart: The Ascension: Proof Positive That Christianity Is an Out of this World Reality > The Now 1: It Fulfilled Major OT Prophecy about the Messiah (Psalm 110/Psalm 2) 2: It Anticipates the Ultimate Fulfillment of All Biblical…