Sermons (Page 53)

Sermons (Page 53)

Introduction to the Book of Acts

Study of the Book of Acts                                                                                          2/1/2015 Introduction to the Book of Acts “Jesus Is Alive As Head Of His Bride”   What is the “Book of Acts” (or “The Acts of the Apostles”)? Who wrote The Book of Acts? Why Was The Book Written in the First Place? When Was the Book Originally Written? Final…

The Life of Christ A-Z

Tanglewood Bible Fellowship                                                                                                        01/25/2015 The Life of Christ A-Z Take This To Heart Don’t Leave Today Without These Five Foundational Truths 1: Supernatural Conception/Nine Months Later the Virgin Birth…

The POGs of TBF

The POGs of TBF 2015 Purpose: Matthew 28:19-20 ONE Command: “Make Disciples (of Jesus-Not Brad, Homer or Ron)” THREE Participles (of Means Modifying the Command) 1: Go with the Gospel (Salvation-Mark 16:15) 2: Baptize Those Who Believe (Identification-1 Cor 1:14-17) 3: Teach Believers in the L-Church (Participation-Heb 10:23-25) Objectives: Ephesians 4:11-16 The Body of…

What We Don’t Do…Does Define us

Take This To Heart What We Don’t Do…Does Define Us and Can/Should Help All of Us Better Appreciate and More Fully + Participate in TBF This (New) Year and Every Year The Word Teaches We Should: Do all things (in the church) in an orderly manner 1 Corinthians 14:40 Our informality should not ever become irreverence Our flexibility should not ever lead us to sloppiness The…

The Jewish Messiah is the Savior of the World

Tanglewood Bible Fellowship 12/21/2014 Matthew 2:1-12 Iraqis Visit the Christ Child!?! The Aftermath of the First Christmas and the Real “Real Meaning” of Christmas Take This To Heart The Jewish Messiah is the Savior of the World “…(the Gospel) is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first and also to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16 The Real “Real…

Christian Unity is a Fact

Upper Room Discourse Series 12/14/2014 John 17:20-26 Christian Unity is a Fact That Should Be Celebrated and Manifested Take This To Heart Christian Unity is a Fact That Should Celebrated and Manifested The General Rule Rather than vilifying other believers/with whom we disagree on secondary issues-we should validate them by focusing on the majors/the things on which we…

The Real “Lord’s Prayer”

Upper Room Discourse Series                       12/7/2014 John 17:1-19 The Real Lord’s Prayer: John 17   John 17:1–5 Jesus Prays for Himself Jesus Prays That God/Father Would Restore to Him His Heavenly Glory v1 Jesus Prays That Through Him, Human Beings Can/Will Enjoy Heavenly Glory v2-3 Jesus Prays That God/Father Would Restore to Him His Heavenly Glory…