The Revolutionary Gospel of Grace
Study of the Book of Acts 7/12/2015 Acts 9:31-10:48 The Revolutionary/Controversial, Unbelievable And Seemingly Too Good to Be True Gospel of Grace The Revolutionary/Unbelievable, Unbelievable and Seemingly Too Good to Be True Gospel of Grace Calls Sinners (Religious or Irreligious) to Place Childlike Trust in Christ to Receive the Full/Free Forgiveness of Sins Some…
A Funny Thing Happened on Saul’s Way to Damascus
Study of the Book of Acts 6/28/2015 Acts 9:1-30 A Funny Thing Happened on Saul’s Way to Damascus (Funny = “Unusual/Unique” Not “Ha! Ha!”) Take This To Heart and Into Your World 1: Nobody Is So Bad…..They Are Beyond the Grace of God Never Stop Praying for Them (Romans 10:1) 2: Nobody Gets Right With…
The Gospel of Christ Transcends Colors, Countries/Cultures
Study of the Book of Acts 6/21/2015 Acts 8:26-40 The Gospel of Christ Transcends Colors, Countries/Cultures Take This To Heart and Into Your World Contrary to Conventional Wisdom and Popular Opinion Today The (True New Testament) Church Is/Always Has Been Mega-Inclusive Precisely Because the Grace…
Different Cultures, Colors and Countries But Only One True Church
Study of the Book of Acts 6/14/2015 Acts 8:1-25 Different Cultures, Colors and Countries But Only One True Church Take This To Heart THE UNIVERSAL Church of Jesus Christ is made up of Jews, Gentiles and (Even) Samaritans Who Receive the Grace of God Thru Faith in the Savior. This Inherent Unity is…
A True Hero of the Faith
Study of the Book of Acts 6/7/2015 Acts 6:8-8:4 True Biblical Discipleship Involves Living on Earth with a Heavenly Perspective Take This To Heart Stephen’s Life/Death Is a Stellar Example of the Fact That True Biblical Discipleship Involves Living on Earth with a Heavenly Perspective Stephen’s Stand for the Savior Led to a Rejection by the World/a Painful Death on Earth…
Effective Churches Are Not “One Man or One Woman” Teams
Study of the Book of Acts 5/31/2015 Acts 6:1-7 Effective Churches Are Not “One Man or One Woman” Teams Take This To Heart Effective Churches are Not “One Man/One Women” Teams! and The Purpose Driven Church didn’t start with Rick Warren/late 20th century! No one believer (not even an Apostle) can do…
A Supernatural Perspective on Suffering
Study of the Book of Acts 5/24/2015 Acts 5:12-5:42 Truth and Consequences A Supernatural Perspective on Suffering Take This To Heart The Reality of the Resurrection of Christ (and Our Life After Death in Him) Should Totally Change Our Perspective on Suffering Now
Giving to the Church Is Serious Business to God
Study of the Book of Acts 5/17/2015 Acts 4:32-5:11 Giving to the Church Is Serious Business to God Take This To…
Proverbs 31:10-31
Tanglewood Bible Fellowship 5/10/2015 Proverbs 31:10-31 “An excellent woman who can find? Her worth is far above jewels!” 31:10 The Word of God: The Ideal Person Is a Godly Woman 1: All Christian Women Should Embrace the Ideal of Proverbs 31:10-31 2: All Christians Should Respect/Actively Appreciate Such Women as Expressions of God’s Grace and the Heart of Every Great…
External Opposition to Our Faith in Christ is Inevitable
Study of the Book of Acts 5/3/2015 Acts 4:5-31 External Opposition to Our Faith in Christ is Inevitable Take This To Heart External Opposition to Our Faith in Christ is Inevitable But Panic is Optional (and Definitely Not Recommended)