Sermons (Page 52)

Sermons (Page 52)

Acts 16:1-5

Spiritual Liberty: Love It! But at Times in Love Limit It! Paul (and Truly Mature Christians) are Firm in Their Doctrine/Morals But Flexible With Other People v1-5 Which One of These Three Types of Christians are You? IOWs: Do You Know/Apply the Biblical Principles of Spiritual Liberty?   1: Strong Believers: do understand/enjoy their spiritual liberty and are not…

Acts 15:30-41

Dealing With Disagreements God’s Way Furthers His Kingdom by Respecting Differences of Opinion among Believers and Refusing to Tear Down/Hold Grudges Against Those We Disagree With Dealing with Disagreements God’s Way 1: Paul & Barnabas talked to one another directly about the issue at hand 2: Paul & Barnabas agreed to disagree about the specific issue and then…

Acts 15:1-29

The ONE Thing The C-hurch MUST Get Right The truth that Gentiles are in fact saved from the penalty of sin/given the gift of everlasting life through faith in Christ is fully affirmed by the Jerusalem Council. IOW: Gentiles have no need to submit to OT rituals and/or to live under the Mosaic Law (before or after they trust in Christ and are given the gift of E-Life).…

Acts 14:21-28

The End Was Just the Beginning The First Missionary Journey Acts 13:4-14:28 4/48AD to 9/49AD Validated the Fact That the New Testament Church Was the Vehicle God Was Pleased to Use to Bring Salvation to All Who Believed (13:38-39) in the Gospel of Jesus Christ…both Jews and Gentiles Take This To Heart Q: Where/How Does God Work? A: Wherever/However He Chooses Consistent…

Acts 14:19-20

Acts 14:19-20 For Believers, Death is an Enemy But it is Not the End Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Take This To Heart We Have Been Spiritually Designed for a Person and a Place. That place is Heaven and that Person is Jesus Christ: our…

Acts 13:44-52

Acts 13:44-52 Salvation is of the LORD Salvation is of the LORD! Those Who Receive Salvation in Christ Have God to Praise… …Those Who Reject Salvation in Christ Have Themselves to Blame Take This To Heart As Augustine (a “Calvinistic” Thinker) Wisely Said Let Us Pray as Though Everything Depended on God, But Then Let Us Live/Work as Though Everything Depends on Us! May…

Acts 13:14-43

Acts 13:14-43 The Gospel: Good News/God News For All (100%) Who Believe The Body of Paul’s Message v16-37 1: Preparation for the Coming of Christ in the OT Era v17-22 2: Presentation of the Perfect, Crucified/Risen Christ v23-37 The Conclusion of Paul’s Message v38-41 1: Forgiveness of sins is offered by God to us through Jesus Christ v38 This is the Basis of Salvation…