Sermons (Page 50)

Sermons (Page 50)

Acts 21:1-8

Looking Back and Looking Forward Final Phases of Paul’s Third Missionary Journey   1 Gospel, 28 Chapters/27 Years, 12 Apostles: Described in 1 Sentence The Book of Acts = JESUS IS ALIVE AS HEAD OF HIS BRIDE  J esus Ascends  E stablishment of the Church S alvation of a Lame Beggar U nleashing of Persecution S in in the Church I mpact of Deacons S tephen’s Stoning  A…

Acts 20:17-38

Acts 20:17-38 A Snapshot of a Great Christian Life Paul’s Farewell to the Leaders of Ephesus Bible Fellowship Reveals Key Truths about Excellence in the Christian Walk Take This To Heart If consistency was easy, everybody would be consistent… …but be consistent even though it is hard! If you want to be better than average in anything, including in the Christian life, you…

The Events and Effects of Easter

IYNTK about Easter (Information You Need to Know) The word “Easter” was derived from the proto-Germanic word meaning “to rise.” This is seen in the contemporary German cognate “ööst-” and the English word “east,” the direction from which the sun rises in the morning. It is not true that the word was derived from the pagan goddess Oestar or…

Acts 19:8-20

True Spirituality is Relational Not Just Ritual Paul’s Ministry in Ephesus Focused on the “Preaching” of the Gospel and the “Teaching” of the Word Take This To Heart As our Lord Jesus said: If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. Salvation and spiritual growth are relational not mechanical. The ministry of the Word calls for personal reception of truth…

Acts 19:1-5

Acts 19:1-5 From Fuzzy to Focused Paul connects the dots between John the Baptizing Jew and Jesus and emphasizes the fact that “saving repentance” is of the very essence of “saving faith” John preached a baptism (as a sign) of repentance (metanoeo) = as he told people to believe (pisteuo) in the coming Messiah who in fact is Jesus of Nazareth Take This To Heart Faith is…

Acts 18:23-28

The NT Church Is Not a “One Man” Team Take This To Heart The Apostle Paul Wasn’t a ONE MAN Team…Neither are World-Class Christians Like James Mitchell, Janice Skinner, Eric Ward and Olga Pollock. God’s Design is for All of His “Draft Picks” to Play Our Positions and Work Positively with our Teammates to Score Points for the Kingdom/Contribute to His Game Plan: Living the…

Acts 18:12-22

Acts 18:12-22 One Key Characteristic of Spiritual Greatness One Key Characteristic of “Spiritual Greatness” is Faithfulness Through the Ups/Downs, the Joys/Sorrows, the Good/Bad of Life. Regardless of the Madness Around Them, Faithful Believers Keep on Trusting/Obeying and Serving the LORD Resting in the Fact That God Works Through the Mundane as Well as Through the…

Rebooting Our Study of the Book of Acts

Rebooting Our Study of the Book of Acts Getting Back on the Wagon Where We Got Off of It We took a break from this series after we studied 18:1-11 on 12/6/15 The How Can We Keep Track of the Storyline of the Book of Acts? Memory Aid = Jesus Is Alive As Head Of His Bride The Bottom Line of Our Last Study of Acts (and Today’s Reboot): Routine Faithfulness Isn’t Routine,…

Testimony of Kyle and Jen Porter

When the World is Falling Apart Rather Than Panic, Pray/Plan and Persevere Week 4: A Modern Case Study: Every Parent’s Nightmare Kyle and Jen Porter “Why Us?” Replaced by “Yes Us and Many Others!” Facing Every Parent’s Nightmare in Faith The Testimony of Two Believers Who Refuse to Panic and Who Choose to Pray, Plan and Persevere In the Depths to Deep Pain/Horrific Loss.…


The Book of Habakkuk God Honors Honest Questions from His Kids Take This To Heart God Honors Honest Questions from His Kids…and Gives Us Sufficient Light/Truth That We Can Trust Him in the Worst of Earthly Circumstances The Book of Habakkuk is God Telling Us: An accurate conception of the LORD’s Person/Program allows believers to trust humbly and persistently in His…