Sermons (Page 48)

Sermons (Page 48)

John 10:40 – 11:57

The Seven Signs of the Gospel of John Sign #7: Raising of Lazarus John 10:40-11:57 Take This To Heart Spiritually Hardened People Will “Explain Away” Any/All Evidence that Jesus is the Christ Spiritually Open People Can Move From Biblical Evidence to Believe that Jesus in the Christ Believers Have Been Promised Everlasting Life by Him Who Raised the Dead/Healed the Blind…

John 9:1-41

The Seven Signs of the Gospel of John Sign #6: The Healing of a Man Born Blind John 9:1-41 Take This To Heart The reason the vast majority of the people of Israel in Jesus’ day (including 98% of the religious leaders) rejected Jesus was not due to a lack of opportunity or an absence of information/validation. It was a matter of hardened hearts. Important to Note: this was…

Psalm 11

How Should Christians Respond When Our Society is in Spiritual/Moral Freefall? Psalm 11 For the Choir Director, a Psalm of David Take This To Heart Even in perilous times, Christians should punt panic and positively persevere. Even when the spiritual/moral foundations of a society are destroyed, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ can continue to build our lives, our…