Who We Can Be – Revelation 3:14-22
1. Jesus shows us who we are. (v.14) 2. Without Jesus, we are nothing. (v.15-17) 3. With Jesus, we are everything. (v.18-22)
Revelation Overview-Rapture
Those With Little Power – Revelation 3:7-13
1. A little power is more than enough. (v.7-8) 2. A little power is enough to be safe. (v.9-10) 3. A little power is enough to hold fast. (v.11-13)
Revelation Overview-Millenium
You Might Be Dead – Revelation 3:1-6
1. Don’t assume you are awake and alive. (v.1-2) 2. Wake up before death is complete. (v.2-3) 3. Those who wake up will never lose their Salvation. (v.4-6)