Acts 21:37 – 23:11

Acts 21:37 – 23:11

Keeping the Faith (and Love) in a Hurricane of Hatred

Today in the real world/when when trying to share the Good News, if nothing else “comes to mind” tell your story…really His story in you (your testimony as to how you came to trust in Christ)…and then (I would say) 1: close with John 3:16 and 2: ask the leading question “Does that make sense to you?” And yet, as Paul experiences in this passage, we will not always see positive responses when we do this thing! Which reminds me of another principle: pragmatism is not a biblical/godly test of truth!

Believers (Like the Apostle Paul, You and Me) Can Keep the Faith, Even When Facing the Possibility of Painful Death, Because Knowing and Resting in the Person, the Program and the Provision of Jesus Cam Allow Us to Enjoy a Spiritual Stability That Trumps Even the Worst of Circumstances

Acts 21:1-8