The POGs of TBF 2015
Purpose: Matthew 28:19-20
ONE Command: “Make Disciples (of Jesus-Not Brad, Homer or Ron)”
THREE Participles (of Means Modifying the Command)
1: Go with the Gospel (Salvation-Mark 16:15)
2: Baptize Those Who Believe (Identification-1 Cor 1:14-17)
3: Teach Believers in the L-Church (Participation-Heb 10:23-25)
Objectives: Ephesians 4:11-16
The Body of Believers Gathers for Edification on the LORD’s Day+
So When Scattered, We Can Live/Share the Gospel (as Salt/Light)
Goals/Basic Functions: Acts 2:42/2:47
Acts 2:42 [when the church is gathered on the LORD’s Day+]
1: Bible Study; 2: Fellowship; 3: Worship; 4: Prayer(s)
Acts 2:47 [so when the church is scattered/in the world]
5: Lifestyle Evangelism takes place (as a process not just an event)